Unable to combine more than 20 files utilizing the PDF Joiner. Part 2: PDF Joiner Troubleshooting and Reviews PDF Joiner Pros:
Thus, by following the aforesaid steps you can use this excellent online tool PDF Joiner to join about 20 PDF files into a single document. Step 4: If you are ready to proceed, then simply click on the button saying “join all files”. Step 3: You can preview the documents by clicking on the thumbnails. Using Drag-and-drop file blocks you can change the merging order easily. You can otherwise drag all the files into the drop area of the tool. Step 1: Firstly, begin with choosing up to 20 files in PDF format from your computer. It can quickly merge all your PDF files into a single document. If you have multiple PDF files and you want them combined, then there is plenty of free solutions available including the PDF Joiner tool. TRY IT FREE TRY IT FREE Part 1: How to Join PDF with PDF Joiner